Wednesday, March 13, 2013


The book strong in every sense is talking about the instinct of survival. And what better way to show that then have kids surviving on their own against unthinkable odds, yes most people die. Leaving only the hardened and the keen to maintain the newly adopted "humanity" left in the wake of a global apocalypse. Amounts of detail and knowledge that the author put artfully into the book is what makes it feel real, The references to the world we live in as is also helps the story. This book was an adventurous read. Action around every corner, and every small thing will either escalate quickly or wait till you least expect it. Though at times over the top the action in the book is usually more on the tame side, for a zombie book. The language is very adding to the story because the ramble of the kids and the different words used from London to Canada. The book will keep you at the edge of your seat, things that are brought up and left going on in the background will raise the tension to levels most books can't achieve. Though the book seems long at first by the time that the book is finished you will be talking about how the book was way to short. Taking up the rear of this continuing series the sacrifice is one of the best.